Amir Aziz

Amir Aziz (they | them) 2023-24 Chancellor's Postdoctoral Fellow

Amir Aziz is a 2023-2024 Chancellor’s Postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of Gender and Women’s Studies working with Professor Minoo Moallem. Dr Aziz is a scholar of film studies, gender and ethnic studies, decolonial feminisms, carceral studies, disability studies, and comparative settler colonialisms with expertise in the South-West Asia and North Africa (SWANA) region, particularly Algeria, as well as France and the U.S. Dr. Aziz holds a Ph.D. from Rutgers University - New Brunswick and an M.A. from the University of Texas at Austin.

Dr. Aziz's research focuses on how ‘War on Terror’ practices of incarceration, surveillance, and detention have impacted Muslim immigrant women and gender non-normative Muslims, particularly Muslims of African, South/South-East Asian, and South-West Asian origin. Dr. Aziz’s book project examines how 'counter-terrorism’ and informancy programs by ICE and U.S. security agencies have enacted gendered/racialized forms of disablement and deprivation, emerging via a global carceral nexus of anti-Arab, anti-Black, anti-Palestinian, and anti-Muslim racisms.

Dr. Aziz is also a filmmaker with over 5 years of experience producing media projects on the costs of the ‘War on Terror’ on Muslim and SWANA communities. Dr. Aziz is working on a film project related to Guantánamo and U.S. empire’s neocolonial and ableist violences against Arabs, Palestinians, Muslims, and BIPOC communities.

Dr. Aziz can be contacted at <>