Floris de Krijger - Visiting Student Researcher in GWS and Center for European Studies
Project: Far-right Revenge Politics and Anti-gender Mobilizations in the United States
Floris (he/him) is an interdisciplinary PhD researcher from Belgium working at the intersection of Capitalism Studies, Queer Studies and Right-Wing Studies. Floris is interested in the class politics of sexuality and attempts to understand how emotions, affect and the libidinal shape this field of contention. His dissertation focuses on the corporatization, marketization and commodification of LGBTQ+ politics and studies how the queer left and the far-right are increasingly politicizing these processes for different ideological reasons. During his stay in Berkeley, Floris will work on a paper tentatively titled: Taking Revenge on Mickey: Disney, Far-right Revenge Politics and the Destruction of Economic Value. Combining psychosocial theories of vengeance with political-economic understandings of corporate branding, this paper theorizes the far-right backlash against Disney as a politics of revenge. In his previous research, Floris studied the discursive legitimizations of racial capitalism in the Dutch East Indies, the gamification of managerial control within food delivery platforms and the coloniality of user-generated rating systems. Before moving to Belgium, Floris taught courses in (Marxist) Political Economy, Queer Studies and Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) at the University of Amsterdam and obtained degrees in colonial history, organization studies and language and cultural studies from different Dutch Universities.