Frequently Asked Questions - Student


What courses do I need to take in order to declare the GWS major?

To declare the Gender and Women’s Studies major, the student must have completed GWS 10 with at least a C grade. To complete the major, students must take two of the three gateway courses (GWS 10, GWS 14, LGBT 20AC).

What kind of G.P.A. must I have to get into the GWS major?

Students must have a 2.0 cumulative G.P.A. to declare the major. This is a C average and is considered as good academic standing in the College of Letters and Science (L&S).

When should I declare?

If a student has decided that this is what they want to major in, we recommend they officially declare as soon as they are prepared, which means they have taken, or are enrolled in, their prerequisites. Declared majors will have priority consideration for enrollment in upper division GWS courses, so it is to their advantage to declare as early as possible.

What must I do to declare the GWS major?

Students who are ready to declare should make an appointment to see the Undergraduate Advisor in 608 Social Sciences Building.  Visit the Undergraduate Advising page for more details.

How many courses and units must I complete in Gender and Women Studies?

There are 8 courses required in the major, totaling between 30-32 upper division units.

What kind of courses will count as GWS electives?

Any upper division GWS course in the department numbered above 100 (or graduate courses) and that are not already being used to satisfy another requirement may be used towards your elective.

Can upper division major courses be taken elsewhere?

YES!! The department will accept one course outside the department to fulfill the major elective requirements and they can be taken in another department or at another four-year institution, including EAP courses. However, the focus of these courses must be on gender, women or sexuality.  Community college courses arenotupper division level courses.

Can I take any of the GWS course requirements for a P/NP grade?

All GWS courses must be taken for a letter grade if they are to be used towards satisfying the major requirements.

Are there any minimum grade requirements that I must achieve in any GWS courses?

No, but your major G.P.A. must stay at or above 2.0.

Do I have to take the Honors program?

No! Students are not required to take the GWS Honors Program.

How often are the GWS courses offered?

The department offers each core class once a year. We try to offer as many electives as possible depending on the teaching resources available. We often rotate our elective course offerings, but some courses are only taught once every 3-4 semesters.

Can I walk in the Commencement ceremony in May if I'm not graduating until Summer or Fall?

YES!!  Visit the GWS Commencement page for more information.

Do you have any papers from last semester?

YES! The GWS department keeps students’final and exampapers on file for one year, so if you take a course in the fall semester you will be able to pick it up the following fall semester.  All other papers should be retrieved from the instructor.

What do you do if you want to contest a GWS grade?

First, check your final exam, available in the departmental office at 608 Social Sciences Building for instructor comments. If you want to contest your grade after reviewing your exam, contact the instructor of the class and try to resolve it.  If the two of you cannot solve the problem, write a formal complaint to the chair of GWS.  The chair will review your complaint, speak with the instructor and make a final decision.  If the student is unsatisfied with the chair’s final decision, the student can file a formal grade grievance with the Academic Senate.

If a mistake has been made, the instructor will submit a grade change with the Registrar’s Office.Grade changes cannot be made based on reassessment of coursework but only because of a clerical error.